Helping your student choose the right college takes time and careful study. At Lancaster Bible College, our goal is to provide the academic and spiritual preparation your student needs for their career as a servant leader for Christ. We empower them to use their unique gifts and talents to fulfill their calling – God’s plan for them.
The foundation for our academic program is the Bible. A biblical worldview frames the entire LBC experience. Throughout our programs and ministries, the Word of God teaches us how to live, engage with each other and serve his name. Informally, all around campus, students and faculty meet regularly to further apply a biblical worldview and its impact on their individual careers and lives and the lives of others.
Simply stated, we train your student’s head, heart and hands for a career serving God and the world.
Ultimately, you want to have confidence that your student is fulfilling their calling at the right institution. You also want to trust that they’re safe and spending time in the company of Christian believers.
Learn about LBC’s career-oriented undergraduate curriculum.
Academic Calendar (Undergraduate)
Read about student life on LBC’s campus where Christian community and fellowship come together.
What are Charger Bucks and how are they purchased? Charger Bucks are simply money that has been added to a student’s LBC ID card for use at campus eateries like Hollee’s Cafe, Bennee’s Bistro and the Dining Hall. Charger Bucks can be used by any student, staff or faculty member that has an LBC ID card.
Anyone can purchase them – students, staff, faculty, parents, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings. When purchasing Charger Bucks, please keep in mind:
How can I purchase Charger Bucks?
Yes. Faculty and staff are asked to affirm the college’s Statement of Faith.
Each student is assigned an academic advisor with whom they are required to meet before registering for classes each semester. While the advisor is a resource, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are getting the classes they need. If you have further questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 717.569.7071.
Go to On-Campus Admissions for a detailed explanation of AP credit and outside course transfer requirements. All credit transfers are approved by the Registrar’s Office.
Each on-campus undergraduate student is given a curriculum sheet to guide their course selection throughout their four years. An academic hold is placed on a student’s class registration and is lifted once the student’s class selection is approved by the advisor each semester. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are meeting graduation requirements.
The On-Campus Undergraduate Catalog lists all courses and a brief description of each.
LBC equips Christian men and women with the biblical foundation for ministry whether it is in a church, a business, a school, or any other area. Many students choose to work at a faith-based institution, but the general education requirements ensure that students are prepared for any type of job. A student’s academic advisor can provide more information about specific job opportunities relevant to the student’s major.
New students can pre-register for fall classes during the summer. Current students, in good standing, are registered at the end of each semester for the following semester’s classes.
We understand that having your student living in a dorm or an apartment is not the same as having them in their own bed at home. LBC takes active protective measures to ensure the safety of all our students. For example, curfew is set for 1 AM each night. Dorms are secured by a fob system which locks automatically at curfew, so no one can enter the building until 6 am.
We also have our Public Safety force on call 24/7. They can be reached at 717.560.8247.
Classrooms, common areas, and some dormitories are handicapped-accessible, and accommodations are made for students with disabilities. Please contact the Accessibility Services Office at 717.569.7071 ext. 5383 with any specific questions or concerns.
Yes. They must submit a change of program form to the Registrar’s Office, signed by both their old and new academic advisors. They should talk to their academic advisor about how the change may or may not affect projected time to graduation, as well as any additional course requirements.
Contact the Registrar’s Office at 717.569.7071.
Under FERPA laws, LBC cannot release a student’s grades to any outside party without written consent from the student. If you would like to access your child’s grades, please talk to them and have them sign a release form through the Registrar’s Office.
Midterm grades are only given to first-year students. Final grades are typically available two weeks after the semester has ended.
20 to 25 students
Please contact the Solution Center at 717.560.8248. They also handle transcript requests needed for verification.
Questions not covered here may be found in the Undergraduate Admissions FAQs.