Living on Campus

Grow. Connect. Learn.

Lancaster Bible College is a blended campus where approximately 60% of our traditional 0n-campus undergraduate students live on campus in close-knit communities where students can experience life-on-life connections with fellow students and college employees. LBC views community living as an essential part of a student’s college learning experience. Students have greater access to supports, resources, and personal connections that help them to flourish during their undergraduate years.

Our residence halls are staffed by a team of Hall Directors and student leaders, Resident Assistants (RAs), who are committed to life-on-life leadership that cultivates a Christ-centered living-learning environment through programs and events, intentional conversations, and opportunities to build deep friendships. Our staff also collaborates closely with the Ally Center for academic support, C3 for mental health support, Student Activities for community engagement, and many other offices on campus in order to provide holistic care for our residential students.

Students living on campus are able to uniquely participate in various programs and activities that will enhance their College experience. The programs are designed to intentionally create community, foster a sense of belonging and healthy, meaningful relationships, and encourage personal growth and learning. Programs and activities are planned by Residence Assistants and students are encouraged to participate as often as possible in order to get the most out of their Residence Life experience. All residence halls have annual “Signature Events” that invite students into the traditions and culture of their specific community.

Our Mission & Philosophy

Residence Life cultivates welcoming, Christ-centered communities that foster individual growth, meaningful connections, and purposeful learning.


We aim to celebrate the individuality of each student, encouraging them to grow in their personal strengths and discover their unique vocations within the context of Christian community. Students are encouraged to deepen their faith through Bible studies and accountability, as well as to ask questions and explore their own identities and values in a safe space.


The community living experience of the residence halls provides unique opportunities for students to cultivate personal holistic growth. Events, faculty/staff connections, and meaningful conversations help students to find a sense of belonging and positive community on campus.


Living on campus is an integral part of the Lancaster Bible College educational experience and learning outside of the classroom.  Intentional programming in the residence halls focuses on personal growth, community, and life skills.

As a result of living on campus, students will:


Students will deepen their knowledge of God, self, and the world. They will…

  • Explore their faith and understanding of God
  • Deepen their understanding of their personal strengths, values, identities, and worldview.
  • Expand their awareness of social concerns and how to engage with them from a biblical perspective.


Students will experience meaningful connections, healthy relationships, and contribute to a thriving community. They will…

  • Cultivate meaningful connections with other students
  • Engage in strategies to foster and maintain healthy relationships and communities.
  • Practice hospitality by engaging with diverse perspectives, ideas, and ways of life.


Students will develop skills, habits, and practices that enhance their college experience and prepare them for life after college. They will…

  • Build independent living skills.
  • Develop lifestyle habits that reflect Christ in their personal lives, workplaces, and communities.
  • Practice methods of maintaining and improving personal wellness.