We Asked You to Share Stories of Kind Professors. We Were Floored by The Responses.

by LBC Marketing

January 10, 2020

Posted: January 10, 2020

We Asked You to Share Stories of Kind Professors. We Were Floored by The Responses.

by LBC Marketing

A few days ago on our Instagram story, we posed the following query to our followers: what’s the kindest thing a professor has ever done for you? Reader, we were floored by the stories they shared about everything from extensions on homework assignments to paying bills when a student came up short. If you’re looking for something to warm your heart on this cold winter day, check out some of their responses. And, if you’d like to read them all, check out our Instagram Story Highlight.

1. “Drove an hour+ in the middle of summer break to take me out to lunch to see how I was doing!” – @staylean_matt

2. “Dr. Farnham brought me dinner when I had to work on campus on Easter. Best prof ever!” – @andrew_veltri

3. “Mrs. Klopp gave me a “good luck goodie bag” filled with stuff on a big game day.” – @brittay_14

4. “Stuck with me through lots of ups and downs and gave me tons of Godly counsel.” – @rachsallen

5. “Bought my friend and I dinner after spending time in the ER and missing dinner.” – @stephaniekathrynblest

6. “Stopped me after class for a hug while my family was in the middle of a tough move.” – @with.moxie

7. “Paid a heat/utilities bill when I couldn’t.” – @r.c.wells

8. “Offered to pick me up from the airport after Christmas break.” – @ashleyrenee320

9. “Mrs. Hinkel used to carry my books after chapel to her class after I had ankle surgery.” – @xomandy_22

10. “Brought donuts into our class for our exam.” – @libertybrouillette

11. “Consistently prayed for me and my classmates and followed up with us.” – @sky_destiny

12. “Extended my final papers by over a week when I broke my hand right before finals.” – @chrissy_nicole9

13. “Given me an undeserved extension for a paper! Grace!” – @minlevar

14. “Checked up on me way past graduation.” – @vmarie234

15. “Just being there to talk with me when I was going through some tough times.” – @vc3photography

We loved hearing these stories. Do you have a story about a professor from Lancaster Bible College you’d like to share? Add them in the comments below – who knows? Mabye we’ll share them in another blog post.

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