9 Student Clubs & Organizations You Didn’t Know LBC Had

by LBC Marketing

August 15, 2024

Posted: August 15, 2024

9 Student Clubs & Organizations You Didn’t Know LBC Had

by LBC Marketing
Posted in: Student Life

Student activities, clubs and campus organizations are an important part of any on-campus undergraduate student’s college experience—and Lancaster Bible College is no exception! Check out this list of some students groups you may not have known exist at LBC!

Students painting at new art club1. Mosaics Art Club

This club is for those students who have a knack for creativity. Mosaics brings color, inspiration and creativity to the LBC community. From record painting, Bob Ross night, crocheting, card making and more, this club is a hit on campus. Find the Mosaics on Instagram @themosaics.lbc.

2. Volleyball Club

Do you like volleyball but perhaps don’t want to play at the variety level? Then LBC’s Volleyball Club is perfect for you. Enjoy the sport and engage in community with fellow volleyball enthusiasts whenever it fits your schedule. LBC even has a beach volleyball court on campus!

3. International Student Fellowship

This group is open to all international, missionary, third culture and diplomatic corps students. The group is active on campus and seeks to encourage each other through caring, sharing and fellowship. Find them on Instagram @isf.at.lbc.

4. Focus, LBC’s Student Newspaper

Focus exists to provide the Lancaster Bible College community with credible news that informs and enriches each person’s experience. You can see what’s new on campus and around the world by visiting lbc.edu/focus.

charge magazine title slide5. Charge, LBC’s Fine Arts Magazine

This fine arts magazine is brimming with submissions from our talented student body, faculty, staff and alumni—and it’s made, produced and edited by our students as well! Check out an issue here.

6. Student Government Association

Officers elected annually from the student body represent students’ interests, encourage self-government and promote responsibility, loyalty and cooperation among students and in their relations with faculty, staff and the administration of the college. Meet SGA leaders on Instagram @lbc_sga.

7. Chamber Singers

This select acapella ensemble is made up of 14-16 talented vocalists who are also members of the LBC Chorale. The musicians have sung during LBC Holy Week Chapels, offered free concerts at local churches and performed at the state music educators conference.

8. The Ping Pong Club

2 book readers in library

LBC’s Ping Pong Club provides an opportunity for students of all skill levels to get connected on campus and have fun. The club meets roughly once a month for various ping pong-related events and round robin tournaments. Check out the club on Instagram @lbc_thepingpongclub.

9. The Sage Book Club

The Sage Book Club welcomes all passionate reading fans who want to create a community of readers on campus and love to share their thoughts and opinions on books. Plus, homemade cookies! See the post about the club started by two LBC Communication majors here.

Posted in: Student Life

Want to see all the current student clubs offered at LBC?


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