LBC Students Direct and Perform ‘SEEN: In the Line’ with Writer & Composer Kristen Brewer

by Lilly Rutkowski (’25)

March 11, 2025

Posted: March 11, 2025

LBC Students Direct and Perform ‘SEEN: In the Line’ with Writer & Composer Kristen Brewer

by Lilly Rutkowski (’25)

On March 28 and 29, 2025, Lancaster Bible College students will present “SEEN: In the Line,” the musical production about the women in the bloodline of Jesus, at the Trust Performing Arts Center’s Black Box Theatre in downtown Lancaster, Pa. This completely student-led production has provided valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration for students in majors ranging from Musical Theatre to Media Arts Production.

Tickets, priced at $5, are available now at Performances are set for the following times:

  • 7 p.m. Friday, March 28
  • 2 p.m. Saturday, March 29
  • 7 p.m. Saturday, March 29
Kristen Brewer Headshot

Kristen Brewer

LBC students played a pivotal role in every aspect of the production from acting, singing and directing to managing costumes, props and technical elements. Throughout the process, they’ve also worked closely with singer, composer, Sight & Sound Theatres writer and LBC Adjunct Professor Kristen Brewer to bring “SEEN: In the Line” to life.

SEEN Collective, created by Brewer, is a music ministry that teaches the Bible through song. “SEEN teaches the stories of the women in the Bible and the God who saw them, through original music,” Brewer shared.

SEEN originated as a concert-style show and has now been adapted by Brewer into musical form. “SEEN has always been a unique combination of theatre and worship, so a musical really makes sense as an alternate way to experience it,” she said.

Elsa Rogers Headshot

Elsa Rogers

Musical Theatre major Elsa Rogers (’25), in one of her final productions as a student at Lancaster Bible College, is directing the musical and playing the part of Bathsheba, the wife of David. Rogers shared the joy and challenges of the experience. “This process has been so fun, challenging and rewarding! This is my first time directing in this capacity, and working with a lot of monologues and solo songs has been a learning curve for sure,” she said. “But then when it clicks into place, and we get pulled into the story, it is such a joy! Each woman in this cast is so uniquely talented, and they have poured so much love and hard work into this process. I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Likewise, Brewer hopes the musical production will leave a lasting impact on the audience. “I hope that people will see that these women were more than names on a page, they were regular people who encountered the choice to trust God,” she said. “God chose these women to be in His family, and now He extends that same invitation to all of us.”

Through Brewer’s creative vision and the dedication of LBC students, “SEEN: The Musical” aims to highlight the important role of women in the Bible and the valuable lessons their stories offer.

“I hope that every single person who sees this show will feel like they have understood and seen the vulnerability and humanity of the women in the Bible,” Rogers added. “It’s easy to think of these women as foreign or unlike us, but a deeper dive shows us that they shared in so many of the same struggles and joys that we do.”

Learn more about LBC’s Musical Theatre program!


Learn more about LBC’s Musical Theatre program!


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