Alumni from Across the Decades Speak in Chapel for Heritage Week

by LBC Marketing

September 23, 2024

Posted: September 23, 2024

Alumni from Across the Decades Speak in Chapel for Heritage Week

by LBC Marketing

It’s a Lancaster Bible College Homecoming tradition to build up to this special time on campus with Heritage Week—several days of activity for students, alumni, employees, parents and friends that allow us to reflect on the college’s history and the impact LBC graduates are making through “proclaiming Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.”

Three LBC alumni will offer words of wisdom during Heritage Week chapel gatherings on Sept. 24, 25 and 26. The college looks forward to welcoming these accomplished alumni back to their alma mater to share their stories with students, as LBC President Dr. Tommy Kiedis recognizes each of them and presents their awards from the Good Shepherd Chapel stage.

Chapel gatherings at LBC begin at 9:10 a.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays while classes are in session and can be live-streamed online at

Tuesday, Sept. 24—Terri (Christian 93 & 94) Fisher

2024 LBC Alumnus of the Year Terri (Christian '93 & '94) Fisher

2024 LBC Alumnus of the Year Terri (Christian ’93 & ’94) Fisher

After worship with the campus community, including the singing of the college hymn “My Hope Is in the Lord,” 2024 Alumnus of the Year Terri Fisher will share how her alma mater impacted her over many years, including throughout a global ministry career.

Fisher grew up in a ministry family in New Jersey and Delaware before her parents were called to missionary service in Santiago, Chile, South America. After graduating from Santiago Christian Academy, Terri enrolled at LBC, initially for a one-year Bible certificate, but she says she loved LBC so much, she switched to a four-year program with a missions emphasis.

In her junior year, God led Terri to add a teaching focus, earning an education degree a year later. She taught in the Manheim Township School District for nearly 10 years and earned her Master of Education degree from Millersville University in 1998.

In this season, Terri met her husband, David Fisher Jr. (’99). They have five children, both through adoption and birth. From 2001 to 2011, Fisher returned to LBC to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Education Department. She then homeschooled her children and cared for a daughter with special needs.

In 2014, Terri and David were called to full-time missions and, in 2020, moved to Iquique, Northern Chile, to serve in church planting and a crisis pregnancy ministry. When they return to the field in 2025, the Fishers will move to Terri’s childhood home in Santiago, where they will continue in these ministries and where Terri will serve as an educational consultant at her high school alma mater, coming full circle in God’s plan for her life.

Wednesday, Sept. 25—Welton Bonner (’14, ’17 & 24)

2024 LBC Young Alumni Achievement Award recipient Welton G. Bonner ('14, '17 & '24)

2024 LBC Young Alumni Achievement Award recipient Welton G. Bonner (’14, ’17 & ’24)

Mid-week, Young Alumni Achievement Award recipient Welton Bonner will recount his experiences and share the ups and downs of his life story.

Born in Washington, D.C., and raised in Prince George’s County, Md., Bonner grew up as a pastor’s kid and was well acquainted with the Bible and Christianity. However, he did not come to true repentance and faith until the age of 18. Throughout his teenage years, Welton shares that he pursued the pleasures of the world that eventually landed him in jail on four separate occasions. On his fourth and final stay, the Lord drew him to Himself, and Welton entrusted his life to Jesus Christ. He has been passionately pursuing Christ and sharing His grace and truth ever since.

After graduating from DuVal High School in 2010, where he had once dropped out, he attended Washington Bible College and later transferred to Lancaster Bible College, where he graduated in 2014. At LBC, he met his wife, Kacie Scott, LBC Class of 2014. He and Kacie have four children and helped Welton’s father plant Greater Love Church Washington, D.C., where Welton served as the preaching pastor.

Today, Bonner is an assistant pastor and church planting resident at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, preparing to plant Eastside Community Church on the east side of the Anacostia River. He earned his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and is completing requirements for a PhD in Biblical Studies, both from LBC | Capital.

Thursday, Sept. 26—Jerry Rogers (74)

2024 LBC Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Jerry L. Rogers ('74)

2024 LBC Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Jerry L. Rogers (’74)

To close out Heritage Week, Lifetime Achievement Award honoree Jerry Rogers will be interviewed by current LBC student and 2022 Miss Maryland Kayla Willing (’25).

Growing up in Aurora, Illinois, Rogers worked at an engineering firm after high school then joined the U.S. Navy, where he heard the gospel from a fellow sailor. Within days of being discharged in 1970, Jerry enrolled at LBC, where he met his wife, Vivian McDougall, LBC Class of 1974. Together they spent two months as summer workers in Grenada, West Indies.

After graduation, the Rogers returned to Grenada in 1976, where they were involved in church planting and a Bible Institute. Due unrest on the island, they transitioned to Barbados to continue mission work in 1982. Upon returning to the U.S. in 1990, a new opportunity opened to mobilize for missions on college campuses, including LBC. Today, nearly 35 years later, Jerry spends one day a week at his alma mater through the global missions organization Crossworld, engaging with students by hosting them for meals, discussions and game nights. For the past seven years, Jerry has also mentored men recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.

Besides his wife, several of Rogers’ family members are also LBC alumni, including his son, Tim and Tim’s wife, Jennifer, and granddaughter Megan and her husband, Tanner.

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