(This feature originally appeared in the Winter 2025 ECHO Magazine.)
NAME: Erin Hamson (’24)
WHERE I’M FROM: I grew up in the suburbs of central Maryland, where I lived with my two sisters and my parents, who served in full-time parachurch youth ministry.
WHERE I LIVE: I now live in Cecil County, Maryland, which is at the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay, with my husband and three children.
WHERE I WORK & WHAT I DO: I serve with the Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) of The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) as the Assistant Regional Director of International Advancement. In this role, I act as a bridge between our FCA staff here in the MAR and our international leaders in Southeast Asia (SEA). My mission is to mobilize Team FCA in the MAR to engage with God’s heart for the nations through prayer, giving and going. Together, we aim to see every coach and athlete in both the MAR and SEA transformed by Jesus Christ.
MY EDUCATION AT LBC: Bachelor’s degree in Ministry Leadership and Biblical Studies, December 2024 graduate
HOW MY LBC EDUCATION PREPARED ME FOR THE WORK I DO: God provided classes at just the right moments in my journey! From my Spiritual Disciplines class, where I learned about the beauty and necessity of rest, to my studies on fundraising and the theology of missions as I stepped into my new role in international ministry, His timing has been indeed perfect. Each class has not only deepened my faith but also equipped me to become a more effective ministry leader! Also, getting a degree in Ministry Leadership as a woman has been incredible. I have felt empowered to be who the Lord has called me to be and use the gifts He has gifted me with. In a world where we need to encourage women to take on leadership roles within the church and community, breaking traditional barriers and inspiring others to do the same, I have found that here at LBC from my fellow students and professors. By pursuing this degree, I wanted to be a role model for my daughter. This faith seeking understanding journey has also deepened my understanding of Scripture, allowing me to lead with confidence and conviction while challenging stereotypes and societal expectations. Ultimately, earning a degree in Ministry Leadership not only furthers personal growth but also contributes to a more inclusive and dynamic future for ministry.
HOW MY LBC EDUCATION MAKES AN IMPACT IN MY LIFE: If this were a face-to-face interview, I would probably end up in tears answering this question. And honestly, if I shared everything I feel, I could fill this entire magazine! We often talk about faith seeking understanding as we are on this journey of learning, and my faith has truly grown as a result of being in this program. I was already in ministry when I started, but as I delved deeper into my studies, I began to appreciate the vastness of what there was to learn—not in an overwhelming sense, but as a beautiful revelation of how much the Lord has in store for us and how deeply He desires for us to know Him. This opportunity in learning was an opportunity to become a better disciple of Jesus.
GETTING MY COLLEGE DEGREE OPENED DOORS FOR ME BY: There’s something truly empowering about walking into a situation knowing you’ve done everything you can to prepare and that the Lord has equipped you for the moment. As a coach or athlete might say, I feel “game day ready.” That’s exactly how my degree has impacted me—I feel prepared to step into the game. This confidence in how the Lord has equipped me to serve has translated into valuable opportunities for vocational ministry.
I APPRECIATED GETTING MY DEGREE ONLINE BECAUSE: I’ll be honest—my life is incredibly busy. Between being a wife, a mom, working in ministry and attending school full time, it hasn’t been easy. It has required a lot of effort. However, the flexibility to adapt my class and schoolwork to fit my schedule has been exactly what I needed to achieve my educational goals. Plus, the support from my professors has made a significant difference throughout this journey.
THE BEST PART ABOUT MY JOB IS: Serving in full-time vocational ministry is not just an act of obedience for me; it’s a true act of worship. It resonates with Eric Liddell’s quote: “I believe God made me for a purpose. He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure.” I love what I do, and I believe I’m fulfilling the calling the Lord has placed on my life. I have the privilege of serving Jesus by loving Him and loving those He places before me. And the best part is that I get to encourage others and help mobilize them to love and serve Jesus and those around them as well!
A RECENT HIGHPOINT OF MY WORK WAS: This past June, I had the privilege of serving in Malaysia as a “shepherd” for 18 college athlete interns participating in FCA’s Global Impact program. Global Impact is a four-week international internship focused on sports ministry designed to invest in the next generation of leaders to see Jesus Christ transform the world of sports. It offers college athletes, and those who live in the world of sports, the opportunity to serve in a local ministry in an international setting. It comprises both hands-on field ministry and interactive classroom training. Global Impact is not a mission trip but a global internship program focused on sports ministry with a three-fold purpose:
1. GOD – To grow in a deeper relationship with God.
2. SPORT – To learn how to do sports ministry.
3. WORLD – To cultivate a heart for the nations.
MY LIFE’S BIBLE VERSE IS: Revelation 15:3-4:
“Great and marvelous are Your works,
O Lord God, the Almighty;
Righteous and true are Your ways,
King of the nations!
Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
For You alone are holy;
For all the nations will come and worship before You,
For Your righteous acts have been revealed.”
THE LAST BOOK I READ WAS: “Let the Nations be Glad” by John Piper
WHEN I HAVE 30 MINUTES OF FREE TIME, I LIKE TO: Hang out with my family where I can spend time with them and be totally undistracted!
MEET MY FAMILY: My husband of 21 years is also in full-time ministry. He has been so supportive and basically a dream granter for me while I pursue these degrees. I could not have done it without his support! He and I have three forever children. Our oldest son was adopted when he was 2 years old and is now 18 and in trade school. Our daughter is 16; she is in the color guard in the marching band, plays lacrosse, is an FCA huddle leader at her high school and is considering applying to LBC! Our youngest son is 14; he is a black belt in Tang Soo Do (so am I, we train together), a soccer player and in the marching band where he plays the quads. He, too, is an FCA huddle leader at his school. Most importantly all three of my kiddos love Jesus, and it is a privilege to be one of their chief disciplers.