The mission of Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School is to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.
Want to learn more about why strengthening our students’ biblical worldview is so important and why we’re committed to biblical integration throughout every course?
Read on!
Framing LBC’s Commitment to Biblical Integration
A Video with President Tommy Kiedis
Viewing all of life through a biblical lens is at the heart of LBC’s mission: “To educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.” To this end, LBC has developed a framework to intentionally integrate the Bible into every aspect of students’ education and experience.
Biblical integration goes beyond a prayer before class or reciting a Bible verse.
- It’s recognizing the beauty of God’s created order through science and math concepts.
- It’s understanding the impact of the Fall on human suffering and allowing that to inform counseling and social work practices.
- It’s building a philosophy of education that sees students in the classroom as made in God’s image with unique needs, abilities and giftings.
- It’s pointing people to God’s greater narrative of redemption through storytelling in art, theatre and music.
Building a Biblical Worldview
By Dr. Joseph Kim
For Christians, a solid home base is essential to our lives as disciples in a world that is hostile to Christ and His teachings. As followers of Christ, we recognize that a properly constructed biblical worldview “home” is necessary if we are to flourish in the vocations to which God has called us. By His grace, God has already given us a “foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20). Guided by His Spirit, God calls His people to align their thinking with His in order to “build” a worldview on this foundation according to His design so that we might inhabit it with our fellow believers.
Unswervingly On Mission
By Dr. Esther Zimmerman
Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School’s commitment to biblical integration in its curriculum throughout every major is illustrated through a faculty-led, faculty-written Academic Vision—a clear statement of what we believe God has called us to as an academic community. As we innovate, grow and expand into new areas, we recognize the ever-present danger of “mission drift,” of becoming untethered to our founding purpose and historical values.
Why LBC | Capital Professors Are Committed to Biblical Integration
Lancaster Bible College is committed to biblical integration at every level along students’ educational journey. As many of our professors have continued their own education, some at LBC | Capital, we asked them how their own education has equipped them to prepare students for their future and how they integrate the Bible into their classrooms.
Why Biblical Worldview Education Matters to Students
With “Bible” at the center of Lancaster Bible College’s name, it should come as no surprise that a biblical worldview is central to all we do. Read some quotes from our students describing why and how this shaped them.
Teaching Students to View Learning as an Act of Worship
By Dr. Justin Harbin
Over the years I have found myself taking time in class to encourage students in viewing the work of teaching and learning as an authentic act of worship. Often I would provide theological and Scriptural support to introduce the relatively new concept for many of my students. During these explanations I would experience a positive response: smiles, head-nods, and perhaps a student comment after class that this was a truly helpful idea. But after several years of trying to appeal to my students in this way, I began to sense a disconnect of sorts. I had made a strong cognitive appeal which students resonated with, and yet it was as if we couldn’t just “think” ourselves into experiencing learning as an act of worship.