Alumna Author of ‘Sea Glass’ Credits LBC in Honing Her Writing Skills

by LBC Marketing

November 14, 2022

Posted: November 14, 2022

Alumna Author of ‘Sea Glass’ Credits LBC in Honing Her Writing Skills

by LBC Marketing
alumna author aubree fahringer with her book, sea glass

Aubree (Poole ’17) Fahringer is the author of the new novel, “Sea Glass.”

A Communication alumna of Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School has exciting news to be thankful for this season. Aubree (Poole ’17) Fahringer’s new novel, “Sea Glass,” is published! The Lititz, Pa., resident and mom who works part-time in marketing is already working on her next novel. Learn more about this alumna author and how her time at LBC | Capital helped refine her writing style in the Q&A below.

LANCASTER BIBLE COLLEGE: What is your new book, “Sea Glass,” about?

AUBREE FAHRINGER: The story picks up nearly six years after the five Daniels children—Sean, Ethan, Libby, Todd and Sam—were orphaned. Sean enlists in the military after the tragic crash that killed their parents, but his third deployment ends abruptly. He returns home bitter and broken, where he’s forced to confront the siblings he abandoned and a flood of traumatic memories. After all these years, the five siblings struggle to make peace, not only with the past but with each other.

     Read an article about Aubree in her hometown newspaper, the Greencastle Echo-Pilot.

LBC: What overarching story, elements or lessons did you try to communicate to readers?

AF: My hope is that the theme of “Sea Glass” is restoration. It’s a story of grief, regret, redemption and most importantly, the one chance we are all given to love our families well. I wanted to write about broken things. I wanted to write about how they’re restored, like sea glass, once the wind and waves have completed their sacred work.

LBC: Do you have a connection to the military that helped your writing process and idea generation?

AF: No. Sean Daniels is a disciplined and passionate protector by nature and he desperately wanted to leave his hometown. The military seemed like the natural path for him to take.

LBC: How did your time at Lancaster Bible College equip and encourage you to develop as a writer?

AF: As a Communication major at LBC, I was able to sit under the tutelage of true professionals and learn from their vast experience. Additionally, there were incredible opportunities to hone my skills, such as serving as the editor of Charge magazine and working as a peer tutor in the Writing Center. LBC was the place that transformed my thoughts of “I like to write” into “I can write.” It also prepared and equipped me well for my first job following graduation as a reporter and editor for a local newspaper.

LBC: Where can those interested in “Sea Glass” read the book or learn more?

AF: “Sea Glass” is available for purchase on Amazon. Find me on Instagram at @theblueoctober for writing updates.

Ready to learn more about the Communication program at LBC | Capital or the new online Master of Arts in Strategic Communication Leadership?


Ready to learn more about the Communication program at LBC | Capital or the new online Master of Arts in Strategic Communication Leadership?