The Arts & Sciences Department is dedicated to equipping students with broad cultural knowledge and practical principles for living out Christ’s teaching through a strong liberal arts curriculum. Christ-centered training, an authentic community of believers and a robust foundation in theory prepares students for careers as effective communicators and critical thinkers.
The School of Bible & Ministry strives to develop Christian leaders through deep biblical instruction and ministry practice in a variety of areas – and with degrees at all levels of education: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral. LBC’s Bible, theology and ministry degrees equip students for their calling, regardless of their vocation or season of life.
Business students are instructed, trained and discipled by godly and experienced corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, marketers and more. These relational educators impart their practical experience to future leaders through a biblical worldview lens, preparing graduates to enter the business world with not only industry skills but also an understanding of how to serve Christ in a professional setting.
The Communication & Media Arts Department exists to develop creative, highly skilled communication and media professionals who will influence culture and the Church from relevant, biblically integrated curriculum. Hands-on training from invested and experienced professionals prepares students for careers in broadcasting, journalism, advertising, public relations, digital marketing, production and graphic design.
The Counseling & Social Work Department encourages students to understand, evaluate and practice counseling and social work theory and methods from a biblical perspective, preparing them for service in secular and Christian practices, crisis counseling, schools, rescue missions, faith-based trafficking restoration programs, care units, para-church organizations, prisons and more.
The Education Department prepares and disciples students to be reflective, relational and relevant practitioners who think biblically to impact the educational community. This mission guides all aspects of undergraduate and graduate programming, from courses and teacher field placements to learning activities and personal faculty interactions.
The Music, Worship & Performing Arts Department exists to prepare highly skilled artists to influence the culture with grace and truth. Students hone their craft in a community of dedicated artist-teacher mentors who know and build upon students’ gifts and passions. Real-world experience prepares students to engage professionally as actors, singers, instrumentalists, dancers, composers and music teachers.