Meet Our Team

Robin Bronkema, PhD

Director of Graduate Programs in Education and Associate Professor

Department: Education

Office Location: Lancaster

Growing up, Dr. Bronkema thought most children enjoyed playing school as much as she did, but it turns out that favorite pastime was a reflection of the love of teaching the Lord had placed in her. She went on to become a teacher in public schools in PA and CT, and then supervised student teachers at a liberal arts college for several years. Discovering that her passion for education and serving the Lord could be combined in Christian education, she moved into administrative roles in a Christian K-12 school. Those experiences gave birth to her doctoral research, which focused on the leadership development of female Christian school leaders. With a heart for college-age students, she is now thrilled to bring all of those experiences to bear here at LBC.

Outside of campus life, she enjoys long walks with her dog, tennis and street hockey with her husband and three children, meals with friends, and a strong cup of earl grey tea.


PhD in Organizational Leadership, Eastern University, St. Davids, PA
EdM in Human Development and Psychology, Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA
BA in Psychology and Linguistics, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA

Publications/Creative Works:

The Process of Leadership Advancement for Female Heads of Christian Schools: A Grounded Theory Study of Critical Influences on the Attainment of the Headship (dissertation)


“What if education is not primarily about…information, but about the formation of hearts and desires?” When formation is valued, a Christian teacher has an amazing opportunity to impact not only the minds but also the hearts of students. – James K.A. Smith


Romans 12:12 – Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.